Life Isn’t About Finding Yourself, Life is About Creating Yourself
We all experience times in our lives when we know we are at a cross-roads.
Conscious, deliberate self-empowerment is essential to be able to live a joyful life.
Laws of attraction are very strong; so understanding how to activate the energy surrounding you is key. Esther and Jerry Hicks have written some great books about this subject such as Ask and It is Given, The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, The Law of Attraction and The Astonishing Power of Emotions. There are, of course, CDs, DVDs and a website to accompany the above: www.abraham-hicks.com.
Another way to help you to go forward in life is to watch, yes WATCH, the DVD of The Secret. I know there is a little paperback book, but this is meant as reference only AFTER you have watched the DVD. You really need the visual impact of the DVD first. It is divided into sections, each one about a totally different real-life experience. You decide which of these scenarios applies or appeals to you, and then act upon it. I don’t want to give too much away as it’s such an amazing film, but either watch it on your own with a glass of your favourite tipple (preferably a bottle!), a box of chocs and a box of tissues, or with a group of very good friends! It is happy, sad, amazing, thought provoking, long (about 10 sections) and life changing!
I recommend the section with The Architect and his Young Son. I did the pin board after watching this and, I promise you, got everything off it within 2 years (except that I haven’t written a book yet, but maybe Blogging counts?)
Another great tool to help you on your new pathway is the fantastic book by Louise Hay – You Can Heal Your Life. I have personally used this book twice in my life to help me to survive – literally. Follow the guidance and affirmations, being open to the concept of being brutally honest with yourself at all times. Some of this does not come easily, don’t worry, just skip to the next section. You will go back and re-read when you are ready. Take your time with it. Some days you will want to read quite a lot, other days a couple of paragraphs, or just pick another affirmation to practice. Just do what you can until you reach a point where it all seems to come together and you really notice improvement in your every day life.
Another more recent book which comes highly recommended is ‘Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life’ by the amazing Wayne Dyer. Both these books are available on Hay House Publishing UK or Amazon. I am sure I will mention Hay House in other Blogs as it is a fount of knowledge, hosting so many Spiritual tools written and recorded by the best in the World. There is something on every subject for everyone. Metaphysics by Greg Braden, How To Live With and Cure Yourself of Cancer by Chris Wark, Feng Shui, Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, the list goes on and on . . .
Many of the videos, audio books and pod casts are free – have a look. What have you got to lose – it may just change your life for the better!
Finally, I would like to say that I agree with Esther and Jerry Hicks as I quote the following :
There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers, Beings, or individuals. You are not here to create one world where everyone is the same, wanting and getting the same.
You are here to be that which YOU want to be while you allow all others to be that which THEY want to be.
Wishing you an astonishing and bountiful journey – You Can Do It! Lynda Ellen xx