My Journey
In response to the many questions I have been asked by my clients over the years, I have decided to write a taster of my long and varied journey which has taken me to where I am today:
My journey began many years ago when, as a young child I spent a lot of time in bed with severe earache, chicken pox and allergic reactions to medications.
I used to see (clairvoyance) and communicate with (clairaudience) coloured lights streaming into my bedroom window. They resembled a rainbow, but not joined together, and the colours varied from day to day.
I instinctively knew (clairsentience) if I spoke to these coloured rays I would feel better. For example, the green ray would help me when I was delirious. I could see the wall on the opposite side of the room moving in towards me. In terror I would ask the green ray to help me, and the wall would stop moving. I can still remember that feeling from over fifty years ago as I write this article.
It was many years later, when I studied Reiki Healing, that I realised I had been talking to Archangel Raphael, who comes in on a green ray.
I also knew things before they happened (claircognizance), which is the last of the four basic intuitive senses – see above for the other three.
One of the most memorable examples of this happened when I was about 10 years old. My younger brother and I were at the Saturday Morning Cinema Club.
Suddenly I knew we just had to go home. My brother was not impressed as his favourite cowboy film was playing, but he knew my ‘feelings’ well enough not to argue.
We caught the bus, ran from the bus stop to the corner of our road and there it was – the ambulance outside our house rushing my mother into hospital. She had been in labour for far too long and now her life, and that of the baby was at risk.
With wonderful care from the maternity staff of Rochford hospital, she came home a week later with our new baby brother, Michael.
As I became a young adult, I finished studying, married and then lived abroad in several different countries as work and life dictated. I had three pregnancies, with two surviving children from my second marriage.
Around the age of 39, my life took an amazing turn and my Spiritual path opened up. My daughter had a dreadful accident and was referred to a Consultant Specialist. After a year’s treatment he could not help her any further and, through a series of events (I do not believe in coincidence), I took her to see a highly recommended Reiki Master. After only five sessions she was 80% better.
The Reiki Master commented that the first time she met me she knew I would become a Healer and more. I went on to train and qualify in Reiki & Rahanni to teaching level. As I healed my clients, I began to give them messages from their loved ones in Spirit, including animals who had crossed over.
As my children grew older, I attended Tony Stockwell’s Psychic Studio courses, being taught by some of the best such as Tony himself, Lynn Probert and Tracey Higgs. I also attended classes at Tracey’s centre where I was privileged to meet Colin Fry and many other talented teachers and students.
I experienced many different aspects of Spirituality, including Trance Mediumship, Psychometry, Table Tipping and different forms of Healing. I also learned Tarot, Angel Cards and Numerology.
Since then I have worked at numerous locations Healing, Reading and Teaching.
In more recent years I have worked at outside Events all over the UK and been away on Tours up and down the Country.
Five years ago, I decided to take a step back as the travelling and long hours were too much for my health and quality of life. I continued to Read for clients, both in the UK and abroad, either one to one, by Skype, Facetime or phone. I also continued with private Parties, but not so often!
This year, 2023, my life is undergoing further significant change with the support of my wonderful Partner. I am still working doing the job I love, running my own diary, with the benefit of the freedom to choose when and where I work.
So, in the words of the famous Long Island Medium, Teresa Caputo –
‘This is My Life (not just my job) and I intend to embrace it!’
My clients are very special to me, so please see my Services page for choices & prices, but if you still have a question, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
With very best wishes, love & peace – Lynda Ellen 2023