My Services
The following choices of in-depth Reading are offered via Facetime, Whatsapp, Teams,
Skype, or at my Home.
£75.00 - An in-depth up to 60 MINUTE READING, tailored to individual needs, including:
Connection to those in Spirit (Mediumship)
A detailed Directional Reading covering past, present and future using Tarot Cards
A Numerology breakdown (The Science Of Numbers) as a great validation of the Spiritual side, plus even more individual information.
How to book
To Book with Lynda Ellen:
Opening Hours Vary.
To book please go to:
lyndaellen.co.uk and follow easy instructions.
​Call 07881 821133
All sessions must be paid for in advance.
Further Information
For a detailed description of 'What To Expect When You Come For A Reading' please click here.
All Readings are recorded by the client. Please contact me on one device, recording on another.
Please note my hours vary.